An illustration of a woman working on a hammock. Meant to symbolize working from home.

There’s no doubt remote work has been on the rise over the past few years; unfortunately, so has a decline in mental health. A lack of social interaction may be to blame, potentially causing the deterioration of physical, mental, and emotional health. With more people working from home, leaving the office is harder now than ever. What can you do to create a healthy and successful lifestyle as a remote employee?

How to Remain Happy and Healthy While Working Remote

Create a Routine

Over the past few years, many people have mastered the hybrid-style routine. For others, this has been an immense change where they are still learning how to balance their daily lives. Before the world entered the hybrid-style workplace, you likely had a daily routine to help you start your day. You’d wake up, brush your teeth, have breakfast or a cup of coffee, and then you’d be on your way to the office. Now, it seems that more people are using this newfound time in the mornings to get a couple of extra minutes of sleep. Instead, this time should be spent creating a successful morning routine. It’s imperative to find a schedule that works with you with this change in your life.

While it may be tempting to sleep until the very last minute, take some time for yourself each morning. Getting ready for work is a key part of a successful routine. This helps you feel put together and confident going into the workday. To set yourself up for a productive day, it’s important to avoid getting online first thing in the morning. Instead of spending time aimlessly scrolling on social media, try to plan your time efficiently. You can take a minute to read a book, practice mindfulness, or even go to the gym. Exercise is a great way to boost your mood, improve concentration and it provides an overall benefit in both your personal and work life.

Make a Designated Workspace

When working from home, it can be hard to separate home life from work life as you no longer have a commute to make that clear transition. Creating a designated workspace within your home can help keep the two portions of your life separate. When it comes to creating a home office, consider transforming a spare bedroom, a basement, or even converting a backyard shed if possible. Having a space that is used only for work will help keep you focused and motivated on your daily tasks. Your designated workspace should be free from distractions, have natural light, accessible outlets, and usable storage space. Use this area to create a permanent home for your office tools. This will help eliminate any distractions that might occur if you’re running around the house looking for a stapler.

Creating a home office can be a big expense that you may not have anticipated. Check with your employer to see if they offer a home office stipend to help with the basics, such as a new desk, a keyboard, a new chair, or even increased energy bills. However, if you’re taking on a bigger project by creating a designated workspace from scratch, consider taking out a home equity line of credit to help ease some of the financial stress that may come with the renovation. This type of loan is a flexible option that can be used for anything. However, if you’re using it for home improvements, such as a home office, it can be a tax-deductible option. While you may be taking on a larger project than you may have imagined, having a designated space to keep your work life and personal life separate will pay off in the long run.

Take Care of Your Physical and Emotional Health

When working remotely, it’s important to remember that your self-care is still a priority. You’re likely spending more time than ever at home, so it’s important to make sure you’re not putting yourself on the back burner. Setting specific work hours each day can be beneficial to help you stay consistent. Create two to-do lists that separate your work tasks from household chores. While multitasking might seem like the answer to getting everything done in one day, it takes your focus away from your current task at hand and produces less than ideal results.

Utilizing breaks gives your brain time to check out for a few minutes which in turn can actually lead to a more productive day. When creating your schedule, be sure to designate some time to take a break. Have a glass of water, make yourself lunch, or even go for a walk. Consider a change of scenery every once in a while. You may not be going to the office every day, but how about a local coffee shop or bookstore? This not only gets you out of your house but opens the possibility of having a more creative thought process.

Creating a strong work-life balance has a huge impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health. While remote work may have originally started as a trend, it looks like it’s here to stay. Being able to maintain a healthy work-from-home relationship by putting your mental and physical health first can help prevent burnout and prove to be beneficial no matter where your career takes you.

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