An umbrella blocking the rain. Meant to signify how to keep yourself safe during turbulent times.

Last month, we published an employer-focused blog post about what to do in times of economic uncertainty. In this post, we offer advice on what to do from a worker’s perspective.

While no job is ever 100% recession-proof, there are lots of jobs that are safer than others when a recession strikes. IT work being one of them.

Because the world relies on technology, IT workers are needed to keep governments, businesses, and society as a whole up and running. That means positions such as network administrators, programmers, developers, project managers, systems analysts, and other IT specialists are vitally important.

That doesn’t mean, however, that they’re immune to layoffs.

Recently, major tech companies like Microsoft, Twitter, and Tesla have all cut staff; and others, such as Google, have implemented hiring freezes.

So, while job security is never fully guaranteed, there are steps you can take to prepare for the future in the face of economic uncertainty.

Below, are a handful that we recommend.

How to Prepare for the Future in the Face of Economic Instability

Update Your IT Skills

In times of economic hardship, when employers are forced to cut staff, the first to be let go will be those with a limited skill set.

So, stay ahead of the curve when it comes to relevant skills for your position. Keep abreast of developing technologies and take advantage of opportunities to improve and learn new tech skills.

Resources such as Codeacademy, Coursera, and Udemy can be used, at little or no cost, to improve your IT repertoire.

Hone Your Soft Skills

Research has found that 75 percent of long-term job success depends on soft skills and that the majority of HR managers and recruiters would hire a candidate with strong soft skills even if tech skills were lacking.

Meaning, in addition to keeping their top IT talent, employers will also want/need to keep the workers they and others enjoy working with.

Skills like creativity, persuasion, organization, integrity, communication, enthusiasm, and attitude are highly valued in the workplace.


One of the best ways to find a new job, or learn of opportunities, is through networking. So, let those close to you know that you’re open to seeking out a new job.

Ask your friends, former colleagues, college professors, and others within your network for leads and introductions to jobs at companies that you’d love to work for.

You can even start by utilizing LinkedIn.

Keep Your LinkedIn Page Fresh

As the world’s largest professional networking site, LinkedIn is one of the most important career tools out there.

It’s where you can find new opportunities and be found by those looking to hire.

Whether you’re nervous about your current position, or not, it’s always a good idea to keep your profile up to date to ensure it accurately reflects your experience.

One of our previous posts explains how to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

Get in Contact with a Recruiter

If you do find yourself looking for a new job, know that it’s not a journey you have to do alone.

Once you establish a relationship with a recruiter, preferably one of the highly skilled staffing experts at PSCI, you’re in their talent pipeline for life.

They’re then able to keep you informed of positions that may fit your skill set, share resume advice, and provide valuable employer insights.

If things progress to the interview stage, they’ll be able to guide you through that process as well.

So, while IT may not see the same type of slow down as other industries during tough economic times, following our advice will have you prepared either way.

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