
Imagine for a moment that you’re planning dinner for someone special. Maybe it’s a landmark anniversary for you and your significant other, and you decide not to spare any expense. Naturally, you set your sights on a premium combo at the McDonald’s drive-through. Sound about right? … Not likely, unless you have an urge to break-in the dog house for a few nights. Now imagine you’re driving the kids to soccer practice but they haven’t eaten since lunch. Practice starts in ten minutes and you know they can’t play on an empty stomach – so do you make the executive decision to stop by your favorite Brazilian Steakhouse? Doubtful, but there are worse reasons to miss soccer practice.

The absurdity of both scenarios (should) go without saying. The age-old question “what’s for dinner?” involves more consideration than food preferences and dollar signs. Most of us prioritize quality and atmosphere when we splurge on special occasions. We prioritize pace and convenience when we’re short on time/on-the-go. And if you’re anything like I was in college, you know how to stretch a dollar as far as it will take you. Diversifying the food and service industry effectively transformed the concept of dinner from ‘necessary sustenance’ to an adaptable experience, catered to our specific needs. We live in a world where consumers reign supreme, and the market responds accordingly. Why shouldn’t staffing agencies be held to the same standard? Thankfully they can be, and should be.

Here at PSCI we hang our hats on performance reliability, but don’t sleep on the merits of contract flexibility. We work hand-in-hand with IT professionals, business executives, and everyone in between to ensure a smooth line of communication throughout. Having evolved alongside the industry for 25 years, we benefit from an elevated viewpoint when it comes to seeing “the big picture” for all parties involved. As such, we feel uniquely qualified to understand/address your company’s IT needs. That means adapting our services to your business initiatives- NOT the other way around. Exploring available employment frameworks – temporary staffing, contract-to-hire, permanent placement – allows hiring managers to establish clear expectations in accordance with department goals. Understanding the advantages of each framework is paramount to saving time, money, and angst in the long run. Allow me to break it down for you:

Temporary Staffing/Contract Work

The hardships of staffing project-based IT roles can be two-part: employers might be reluctant to commit long-term resources to accommodate short-term needs, and consultants might be reluctant to sacrifice long-term job security (not to mention benefits) for short term gigs. That’s where we come in. Contract agreements allow businesses to set clear parameters regarding term limits, and save money in the process. Meanwhile, PSCI provides our contractors with benefits to ensure stability at home, while adding to the appeal of contract work.


C2H agreements serve a similar purpose to contract agreements, but with another element of flexibility from an employer standpoint. Our clients are given the option to terminate employment when the contract expires, OR they may elect to convert the consultant into a full-time hire. It’s best thought of as a “trial and error” period where employers can evaluate performance and renegotiate as they see fit.

Direct Hire/Permanent Placement

This one is a little more cut-and-dried. Various IT functions persist over time, and consequently require more of a long-term commitment from payroll. Permanent placement indicates an employment agreement with no end in sight, which can also save money when compared to regularly renewed contracts.

At the end of the day, why contort your business model to accommodate vendors and staffing agencies designed to work for you? Life moves fast – especially in business years – and you can’t always know what the future will bring. Give yourself the benefit of some wiggle room by exploring your options and taking the most flexible approach in your business endeavors. Otherwise, you might just become a slave to your own rigidity.

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