
In the IT staffing world, we see all sorts of jobs. Anything from Help Desk Support and Java Developers to System Security Administrators and Workday Developer Configuration Analysts. Some of these positions are easy to fill but others pose quite the challenge, as employers in the IT space are well aware. So as we round the corner and begin to set our sights on 2017, we’ve become curious – what types of roles will pose a challenge in the upcoming year? As an IT staffing firm, we like to look ahead so that we can begin to fill our pipelines with contacts and resources we can call upon when we’re presented with some of the more challenging IT roles.

In an article found on CIO’s website, where they cited a report by the labor market analytics firm Burning Glass, a list of the 10 most difficult IT jobs for employers to fill was displayed. In their research, Burning Glass looked at more than 40,000 job posting websites and ranked the hardest to fill jobs by the number of days those postings stayed open. We’ve listed those roles, starting with the hardest-to-fill, below.

Technical Manager/Director (107 days to fill) – High level executives don’t grow on trees. Add to that the fact that Technical Directors are charged with managing all the technical processes within an IT department as well as the management of personnel, it should come as no surprise that these positions are listed as the most challenging to fill.

SAP Manager (64 days) – These professionals design, implement and deploy SAP solutions to achieve defined business goals. But not only must they be well adapt at working with SAP solutions, they must also know and/or have experience with SAP Solution Manager – an end-to-end platform intended to assist users in adopting new developments, managing the application life-cycle, and running SAP solutions – to ensure all solutions across the organization work properly.

Systems Analyst (63 days) – Computer systems analysts study an organization’s current computer systems and procedures and design information systems solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively. They bring business and IT together by understanding the needs and limitations of both.

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Java Architect (63 days) – More than just a Java Developer. These individuals design and implement software system solutions while also communicating with senior management and overseeing technical development teams. Most employers typically require Java architects to have extensive experience (up to 10 years) in web application development and Java products. Java certifications are also usually desired.

Salesforce/CRM Developer (54 days) – Salesforce is a highly complex application that can be configured to do practically anything. Developers of this product can perform a variety of tasks including: customizing the Salesforce environment to fit their organization’s needs; integrate with other systems; work on mobile or website applications; develop apps to make life for other Salesforce developers easier. As an ever evolving product, developers can fall into some niche spaces.

Database Architect (54 days) – This is a highly skilled position as these individuals create and manage large and expansive databases to store and organize vast amounts of data. A person in this position will work closely with software designers, design analysts and others to create comprehensive databases that may be used by hundreds if not thousands of people.

Cybersecurity Consultant (53 days) – If the explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT), and the threat of increased cyber-attacks is any indicator, we better hope this position doesn’t stay on this list for long. These individuals are responsible for analyzing an organization’s general security and then advising and guiding executives on how to best protect themselves against threats.

Embedded Software Engineer (52 days) – Embedded software can be found all around us. In cars, telephones, appliances, toys, televisions, security systems and even watches. This is software that is written to control machines or devices that are not typically thought of as computers. The people who develop these solutions are the Embedded Software Engineers. Individuals that are essential for modifying and creating new applications.

Data Manager (51 days) – Data Managers help companies organize, store and analyze data with a focus on security and privacy. Ideal candidates have a strong understanding of databases and data analysis procedures so that they can ensure information flows timely and securely to and from the organization as well as within.

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Systems Integration Engineer/Specialist (51 days) – The uniters of the tech world. These individuals are highly technical and hands-on as they must be familiar with software, networking, security and business process management. These specialists are tasked with bringing different computer systems and/or software applications together so that they work together seamlessly. No easy task.

So if as a manger, you realize you have some of these positions within your department, don’t fret because you’re not alone. However, now knowing that PSCI has been adding these individuals to our ever-growing pipeline, maybe your next call should be to us!

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