New Year

As the year winds down, I wish to express gratitude to all those who continually, year after year, make it possible for PSCI to thrive in the IT Services industry.  We are completing 23 years of business and would never have survived, not even a year, without our clients, consultants, internal staff, and all of the organizations and people we work with who support our company.

We cherish the relationships we have with our clients, whether we just started a business relationship this year, or whether we have been partnering for over twenty.  We strive to do the best we can to help our clients solve their technology challenges.  Thank you for continuing to trust us.

We pride ourselves on finding the best people available who form the backbone of our technical staff.  We have no success without the highly skilled consultants who provide services to our clients.  I have always said that our consultants and clients are equally important to the success of PSCI.  Both groups must be treated with care if we are to continue to flourish.  We strive to always treat our consultants fairly and with integrity and professionalism.  We thank you for putting the trust of your careers and family with us.

It’s impossible to rely on ourselves to do everything.  We count on the help of our accountants, financial advisors, tech support team, insurance companies, landlord, and all of the other firms who provide resources to PSCI throughout the year to help manage our operations.

Lastly, without our internal staff, we absolutely could not survive.  Our Sales, Recruiting, Marketing and Administrative staff work in close conjunction with each other to navigate the daily challenges of growing and managing our IT Services firm with the unified goal of providing excellent, high value services to our clients.  I have been blessed to be surrounded with very highly skilled co-workers, many who have been working with PSCI since shortly after the company started.  I am truly thankful for your loyalty.

Sharing has always been a trademark of PSCI and we are always happy to provide assistance to our community.  For the second year in a row we have provided Christmas gifts and support to families with a loved one fighting cancer through the organization Bringing Hope Home.  This year we supported two families, as well as other local families through the Adopt a Family program.  Earlier this year we participated in a JDRF (Diabetes) Walk, and helped with the Glow for Hope 5K race.  And recently we made a donation to one of my favorite organizations, the Ronald McDonald House.  Our community can count on us.

All signs point to another great year in 2016, and we are anxious to continue doing the great things that we do…..but not until after some much deserved R&R.  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

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