Image of the coronavirus over a 2020 calendar

This time last year, concepts such as “mask mandates” and “social distancing” were foreign to us and very few knew what the acronym PPE stood for (Personal Protective Equipment). Today they’ve become a part of our everyday lives with masks becoming a staple of our wardrobes.

There’s not one aspect of life that has not been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Classrooms have gone virtual, family/holiday gatherings are being conducted via Zoom, professional sports are played inside empty arenas, and offices around the world and nation sit empty.

Fortunately, however, there is a bright light at the end of this dark tunnel. While this month marks the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, there is great promise (and hope) that the pandemic won’t see a second anniversary. With vaccines proving to be very effective at preventing infections, and with nearly 2.76 million vaccine doses being administered per day, the U.S. could reach herd immunity by mid-July!

Let’s hope that timeline is accurate!

We’d like, then, to ruminate, reflect, and conduct a review of the year that’s been. In this post, we address what’s changed at PSCI over the course of the past year and discuss what we anticipate moving forward.

What’s Changed?

Last March, when stay-at-home directives from the Governor of Delaware were issued and guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were put forth, we immediately took action. While our consultants were under the directives of our clients and their workplace policies, each member of our internal staff was sent home to work, despite our business being deemed essential.

The health and safety of PSCI consultants and staff has always been our number one priority. We know that without them, there would be no PSCI (and it’s why we’ve devoted a section of our monthly newsletter that focuses squarely on them).

A few months later, when lockdown restrictions were lifted, our offices did reopen giving staff the option to return on a flexible, rotating schedule. With the addition of affixed hand sanitizers to the walls, air purifiers in the hallways, increased cleaning of all contact surfaces, and of course mask mandates, our office doors have been open each day since June.

While working remotely was certainly an adjustment, the quality of our work never suffered. Through our staff’s tireless efforts, we’ve continued to provide our clients with qualified IT talent. To do so, we transitioned to daily operations meetings over Zoom and even made additions to our internal staff to ensure our client’s needs were met.

In short, while each of our individual workspaces may have been scattered throughout the Delaware Valley, the same quality and service you’ve come to expect from PSCI stayed the same.

Looking Forward

Moving forward, our clients can expect to receive the same levels of performance and availability from our truly dedicated and knowledgeable staff.

With nearly all of our internal staff having already received or in the process of receiving the COVID vaccine, we are also hoping to be back together in-person sooner rather than later!

Though technology has allowed us to seamlessly transition to these remote work environments, nothing can replace the face-to-face interaction we’ve all lost over the past year. We also eagerly anticipate being able to see our clients in-person again. You can bet, as soon as it’s safe to do so, we will!

Thank You

And last, but certainly not least, we’d like to express a sincere thank you to all of our clients. Without your flexibility, patience, and adaptability, these trying times would have been made exponentially harder. Thank you for being a PSCI partner and for your continued trust as we see this pandemic through.

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